Saturday, January 23, 2010

Road Trip Videos!

Videos! Just goes to show I can learn how to convert videos on my own. Hehe. Took a little time but it was interesting learning how to get these videos on here. They are a little shaky and silly but most of the time were were just tired of driving. Hope you all enjoy Juanita's and my little trip. It was fun and boring and fun and well, see for yourself.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A small piece of my road trip!

Okay some trip pictures! This is Texas at my brother's and sister's house. Christopher, Emily, Chris, and Krysia. They are all silly and getting old and Krysia is about to have a baby! So crazy to think about and it was nice to see them since i haven't seen them in quite a few years.

These next 2 were taken with my cell phone so they are not as good. And the second photo is for Juanita and Eric!

Anyways, still trying to figure out my video camera so that might take a little time but for now this is what you are stuck with!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


So today, at 5:30am, i was woken up by my first ever tornado warning! That's right. I woke Kevin up and was like, "what is that noise?" Automatically he was like, "Tornado warning. It wont last long." He walked around to see if the other houses on our block were doing anything and were they? No. They were still all sleeping. It was over in about 5 minutes or less. I couldn't go back to sleep and Kevin started getting ready for the day again. Mind you he was already up at 3am for formation and came home and now he had to leave in another hour.
Here in a few hours Kevin is getting to go home early for the rest of the week because he is having surgery. (wisdom teeth) He is excited to have them all finally taken out and to get a few extra days off with me.

P.S. Its 67degrees here and even with the rain and wind and little tornado i still love it. Hope to get my videos up soon but for now this is gonna have to do.