Monday, November 2, 2009


This year my sister Andrea and I decided to drive to Idaho to see my sister Liana and her 3 kids for Halloween. We took them trick or treating and it was so much fun. There were so many kids it was insane. Made me remember what it was like to be little and go trick or treating with my brother and sisters. Anyways, here are some pictures! Yay!

This is my sister Liana in her witch costume!

(from left) Sammie, Damon, Brenden
My niece and nephews so cute.

Tiny gorilla Sammie!

Warlock Damon trying to make an evil face.

These are all the kids we took minus 1 who didn't want to be in the picture.
Sadly I don't remember all their names but they were loud and ready for candy!

Look at the cute gorilla Andrea.

The kids were going from house to house so fast that little Sammie was the only picture i got while they were trick or treating. Kids are crazy when it comes to candy i guess!

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