Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday the 13th in Kevin's class they got to blow up C4 and take pictures. I don't get to know a lot about what he does or learns but he sent these to me and they were short but for some reason made me feel a little closer to him. I hope you all enjoy them as much as i did. Mind you that they are pretty far away and these were taken with a small picture camera not a video camera, still they turned out pretty nice, lots of smoke.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The day after...

Andrea and I decided to stay over Halloween night. The next day when the kids weren't so spooky we got a few more pictures. Andrea made them eggs, bacon and hash browns for breakfast. We did a lot of nothing but hang out and have a good time. It was so nice to get to see my niece and nephews and sisters. Love you all and here are a few pictures to get you by.

Kids being kids and showing off for the camera.

This is Liana in her bathroom that is being remodled.
3 kids and no working shower; that's got to suck!

Here are Liana's puppy's. I forget what they are but they are so cute and love to be in your face all the time. The one on the right is my favorite.

Damon, Brenden.
Jumping up and down so we would get a picture.

Damon and one of his many little friends that spent the night as well.

Classic Sammie needs a picture right now face.

Andrea showing Brenden the pictures while Damon shows off!

Kids being kids! They all picked on Andrea so much. It was funny!

Tiffany(with eyes closed)
Liana(being taller than us)
Andrea(making a silly face)
Damon took this picture.

Tiffany, Liana, Andrea again.
Damon also took this picture.


This year my sister Andrea and I decided to drive to Idaho to see my sister Liana and her 3 kids for Halloween. We took them trick or treating and it was so much fun. There were so many kids it was insane. Made me remember what it was like to be little and go trick or treating with my brother and sisters. Anyways, here are some pictures! Yay!

This is my sister Liana in her witch costume!

(from left) Sammie, Damon, Brenden
My niece and nephews so cute.

Tiny gorilla Sammie!

Warlock Damon trying to make an evil face.

These are all the kids we took minus 1 who didn't want to be in the picture.
Sadly I don't remember all their names but they were loud and ready for candy!

Look at the cute gorilla Andrea.

The kids were going from house to house so fast that little Sammie was the only picture i got while they were trick or treating. Kids are crazy when it comes to candy i guess!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kevin Graduated Air Force Basic!

Over this last week 21st-26th I have been in Texas watching my husband graduate from Air Force Basic Training. We have been apart for 2 months. His long time friend Jonathan was very supportive and came to see Kevin as well. They are practically brothers. Thanks Jon! Kevin worked very hard for this and i couldn't be more proud. I know lots of people wanted to go and he knows that. Thanks for your support. While in Texas on Kevin's day pass we went to the Alamo and to the wax museum. Here are a few awesome pictures of the Alamo, the wax museum and eating out on base.

We love you all!

If you count 5 right of the flag you will find Kevin.

Kevin and Tiffany Horton in front of the Alamo.

Kevin walking in uniform behind the Alamo.

Jonathan and Kevin chillin' on base.

Kevin enjoying a Starbucks.

Kevin in his "Birth Control" glasses. (yes they call them that and they are indestructible.)

Kevin's bunk, so neat and tidy.

Jonathan and Kevin in front of a huge tire at Ripley's Believe it or not.

Kevin next to a really large wax man.

Tiffany next to a large wax man.

Jonathan next to a large wax man.