Sunday, November 27, 2011

A few more of Conner!

One week old and thanks to grandma Waldon we are on our way to many great and fantastic photos. I am glad everyday that she is here to take pictures cause I am just way to exhausted at the moment. So for your viewing pleasure and mine here is more Conner.

Getting fussy.
Looks like a laugh, but is it?
I'm so cool in my skulls.
Taking a nap but don't wanna let go.
Look at my cute little toesies!
Chillin' with Dad.
These pj's are from my auntie Andrea, they are so warm and cuddlie.
I am so freaking adorable in black and white.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Conner Bryan Horton Has Arrived

Conner and Kevin Daddy
Cutest kid ever!
20 hour labor and Tiff still going strong!
Opened his eyes right away and was looking around
8 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches long!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I know its been a while and there are a few people (mother) who wanted to see what i did with the nursery. Well its not quite finished and could use a few more things but for the most part I am happy with the turn out. Here are a few pictures to help.

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's a Baby! Part 2!

This is me at 5 months. Half way there!

Today was my week 20 ultrasound! It was so super exciting and now to let everyone know the news. If you haven't guessed it already, Its a BOY!
He weighs 1lb with a very good heartbeat of 167! And what a mover he is!
Kevin and I are thrilled, now we don't have to choose names off of our longer list.
Now for a few photos cause I know you all want to see.

Obviously you can see what this one is showing you.
And no front view from this little guy. He kept facing my back or putting his hand in front of his face every time the technician went to take a photo of his face.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's a Baby!

We are having a baby! We have waited almost 5 years into our marriage to get prepared and get some savings going before we started trying. We wanted to be as settled as we could be and with Kevin recently joining the military, (almost 2 years) that part was hard. But here we are, Kevin about to be deployed and me just about to hit my second trimester, thats right we are 11 weeks pregnant.
Today we had our first ultrasound. So to all of you here is our first baby photo.

Weather its a boy...
Or a girl...(fingers crossed)
We will love him/her..

Home Visit.

Recently we took a trip to Utah to see our family and friends. We have not seen them for what felt like forever but was closer to maybe a year to a year and a half. We spent a little over a week there. We had some great dinners, some great laughs and a lot of good memories. We would like to thank everyone that we saw for the good times and to all those we didn't see we will be back!
Mini golf and laser tag was awesome, bowling was fun and food was delicious! We love you all.